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Beat sound:

Exclude these sports from consideration:


    Using SNAPPER


    Basic operation Using the results Advanced operation Calculating SNAP by hand Theory and Implementation Distribution, Translation and Modification

    SNAP is the final portion of the TRAIN program. It takes the results of the various assessments and provides recommendations for the athletes.

    SNAPPER automates all the calculations in SNAP, allowing these recommendations to be generated quickly and easily.

    Basic Operation

    1. Fill in all the information on the form – sports currently played by the athlete, assessment scores, and the specific type of assessment performed (type of push-up, etc.)
    2. Press Calculate.
    3. The results will appear on the right side of the screen. Print or write down the results and present them to the athlete.

    If there is a missing or otherwise obviously mistaken input, it will be marked with a red *. Alter the inputs as needed and press Calculate again. Press Reset to clear the form. Note that you can modify inputs as needed and recalculate as desired without resetting the form.

    Using the Results

    1. The 'results' section matches the SNAP handout - fill in the appropriate areas of that form and give it to the athlete, along with the TRAIN @ Home sports and nutrition booklets. If a printer is available, use the ‘print’ button to print the results.
    2. Explain that sports the athlete currently plays are listed first for reference.
    3. Explain that skills the athlete currently excels at are listed second.
    4. Skills the athlete should practice the most to improve in their chosen sports are listed third. Explain to the athlete that they can find more information about practicing these skills in the TRAIN@Home booklet and show them the relevant sections. Note that SNAPPER may recommend improvement in areas that the athlete already excels in. This simply indicates that a very high level in this skill will continue to improve success in this sport.
    5. If SNAPPER does not recommend any skills for improvement, the athlete meets all requirements to succeed in their chosen sports, but improvement is of course still possible. Feel free to recommend areas of improvement - see Advanced Operation to view more information on the athlete's performance.
    6. Recommendations for sports are listed last. Explain to the athlete that these are sports they might wish to try based on their physical strengths and weaknesses. Ask the athlete if they might be interested in trying any of these sports, and provide information about the sports as required.

    Advanced Operation

    A 90bpm metronome is available by pressing 90bpm Beat. Press the button again to stop the beat. If no sound is produce, it may be due to a misconfigured or missing browser plugin. In this case, the mp3 files can be found in the data/ directory and played directly.

    Each time Calculate is pressed, SNAPPER will store the skill data. To view this stored data, press View Data. Copy the data to another application to preserve it.

    If time permits, additional information about an athlete can be obtained.

    • If more sports recommendation results are desired, press the ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘all’, or ‘3’ buttons next to ‘sports to try’.
    • The converted scores (on a 0-10 scale) are displayed in blue next to the input fields. These can be used to sanity-check input, or to gain more insight into the athlete’s strengths and weaknesses

    A number of features are also available from the Settings menu:

    • The sound used for the metronome can be selected: Voice or Click.
    • If ‘Display quality of sports matches’ is selected, a number will appear next to each of the recommended sports. This number indicates how good a match the sport is to the athlete. Lower is better - i.e. a quality of 0 indicate the athlete’s skills are identical to those recommended for the sport. This information should be used to recommend more sports for the athlete if some are undesirable - for instance, if a recommendation for an individual sport is desired, but several team sports were recommended.
    • If ‘Use chart values (0-10) instead of raw values’ is selected, the input fields will accept converted assessment scores instead of raw assessment scores. This can be used to simplify entry in cases where the converted scores are already available, or for easily testing new sports mappings.
    • Any sport checked in ‘Exclude these sports from consideration’ will be ignored, both for selecting sports the athlete is involved in and for recommendation purposes. This feature is intended to be used when a specific sport is not available in the area or organization.

    Calculating SNAP by hand

    If a computer is not available, SNAP can be calculated by hand. See the printed SNAP volunteer instructions for further information.

    Theory and Implementation

    SNAPPER first maps the raw assessment scores to a 0-10 scale using the data found in assessmentmap.xml. If two assessments measure the same skill, they are averaged. SNAPPER then calculates the Euclidian distance to the ideal scores for each sport found in sportsmap.xml and recommends those sports having the least distance. A score that is lower than the ideal is worth double the distance.

    Skills to improve are calculated by taking the maximum score for each skill in all sports the athlete plays, and taking those two with the most difference from the athlete’s actual abilities.

    Distribution, Translation, and Modification


    To distribute, copy snapper.html and the data folder to a new location.


    Translating SNAPPER requires three steps:

    1. Translate snapper.html, both the body section and the javascript string constants (at the top of the scripting section.
    2. Translate the following items in assessmentmap.xml:
      1. AssessmentMap/SkillLabel
      2. AssessmentMap/Assessment/Name
      3. AssessmentMap/Assessment/Unit
    3. Translate the following items in sportsmap.xml (possibly via sportsmap.xls):
      1. SportsMap/Sport/Name
      2. SportsMap/Sport/ShortName


    To add, delete, or modify a sport, edit sportsmap.xml. To add, delete, or modify an assessment, edit assessmentmap.xml. If validation is desired, corresponding schemas can be found in the data directory (sportsmap.xsd and assessmentmap.xsd)

    sportsmap.xml can be generated by exporting it from the SNAP sheet of sportsmap.xslm (Developer->XML/Export). In addition, the SNAP-by-hand table can be generated from the ManualTable sheet of sportsmap.xslm – Press the ‘Recalculate’ button on the sheet.

    Enter the raw scores as they appear on the worksheet:

    Enter the chart (0-10) scores.

    • Sports the athlete competes in:

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